Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

OfficeTab Enterprise 8.0 incl Crack

 OfficeTab Enterprise 8.0 incl Crack | 10mb

Office Tab – Tabbed Browsing, Editing, and Managing of Documents in Office 2003, 2007 and 2010

Dengan versi standar dari Microsoft Office, Anda tidak dapat melihat dan mengedit beberapa file dalam jendela tab tunggal. Tab Office perubahan ini dengan memperkenalkan antarmuka pengguna tabbed-seperti terlihat dalam web browser seperti Internet Explorer 8, Firefox dan Google Chrome in Microsoft Office 2003, 2007 and 2010 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, Access, Project and Visio).

Save All in One Click

Keuntungan utama dari Tab Kantor adalah bahwa Anda dapat menghemat waktu dengan mengkonsolidasikan tindakan Anda! Misalnya, jika Anda telah membuka beberapa file, Anda tidak perlu untuk menyimpan dan menutup mereka secara individu, cukup klik "Save All" dari menu Konteks dan semua file Anda disimpan. Ingin menutup semua file dibuka? Cukup pilih "Tutup Semua" dan semua file Anda akan ditutup.

Rename Files Easily

Anda tidak harus membuka "Save As" dialog untuk mengganti nama file. Cukup klik "Rename" pada Menu Konteks pada tab dan masukkan nama-itu file baru yang sederhana! Jika Anda ingin menyimpan file dalam folder lain, pilih "Save As" dari Menu Konteks.

Displays Full File Name

Jika nama file panjang, biasanya, taskbar Windows menampilkan hanya sebagian kecil darinya, yang sering menjadi masalah. Namun, dengan Tab Kantor diinstal, Anda akan dapat melihat nama seluruh file pada Bar Tab, tidak peduli berapa lama itu.

Useful Context Menu

Klik kanan pada bar tab atau Tab untuk mengakses tab menu / tab bar konteks. Tab Office juga menggabungkan beberapa item perintah umum dalam Microsoft Office, membiarkan Anda akses barang-barang lebih cepat.


Antarmuka tab memungkinkan Anda untuk membuka beberapa dokumen dalam satu jendela. Setiap dokumen muncul sebagai tab baru dalam jendela (bukan jendela baru) dan dapat diakses dengan satu klik. Fitur ini meningkatkan efisiensi Anda ketika bekerja dengan program Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Project, Publisher, Access and Visio).

High Performance

Tab Kantor didasarkan pada standar Microsoft Office Add-in Teknologi. Ini tidak mempengaruhi kinerja dari aplikasi standar dan memiliki ukuran file sangat kecil.

Move Tabs

Tab dapat dipindahkan dengan mudah dengan menyeret. Anda dapat beralih di antara tab menggunakan mouse atau Anda dapat mengaktifkan tab dengan menekan Alt + N ("N" menjadi urutan tab "1, 2, 3 ...").

Customize Tab Appearance

Warna tab dan Tab Bar disesuaikan. Ada 11 gaya bagi Anda untuk memilih dari. Dalam setiap gaya, gaya font dan nama setiap tab dapat diubah sesuai preferensi Anda (untuk menerapkan perubahan ini, Anda harus menutup dan restart Microsoft Office).

Lebih Powerfull Fitur

Banyak Jalan pintas

Tab Kantor mendukung banyak built-in serta ditetapkan pengguna pintas untuk menangani tab, menyembunyikan / menampilkan Bar Tab, beralih di antara tab, lalu pilih tab tertentu. Pintas pribadi yang mudah untuk menetapkan.

Tampilkan / Sembunyikan Bar Tab

Anda dapat menempatkan Tab Bar di sisi, atas bawah, kanan atau kiri dari ruang kerja Anda. Anda bahkan dapat menyembunyikan Bar Tab ketika hanya ada satu tab. Anda juga dapat menampilkan atau menyembunyikan Bar Tab menggunakan tombol shortcut disesuaikan (tombol pintas default adalah "Win + Q").
Open Documents

Menu Konteks berisi pilihan berikut: "Buka", "Buka di Jendela Baru", dan "Open Folder" Sangat mudah untuk membuka file yang sudah ada atau folder, dan membuka lebih dari satu jendela tab..

All-in-one Settings Center

Tab Office memiliki Pusat Pengaturan kuat, di mana Anda dapat mengkonfigurasi pengaturan Kantor Tab semua. Anda dapat menggunakan Pusat Tab untuk memanipulasi semua setting Anda seperti mengaktifkan / menonaktifkan tab terpisah, menggunakan cara pintas (atau tidak), menampilkan Bar Tab pada posisi, atas bawah, kiri atau kanan, memilih Style Tab, dan menyesuaikan tab warna.

Create New Document

Anda dapat dengan cepat membuat Dokumen Baru dengan mengklik dua kali tombol kiri pada ruang kosong dari Tab Bar, atau memilih untuk menggunakan "New" item perintah pada Menu Konteks.Save Documents

“Save” and “Save All” perintah pada Menu Konteks dapat digunakan untuk menyimpan semua dokumen dengan hanya satu klik. Tab Kantor menandai dokumen diubah atau buku kerja dengan tanda bintang (*) di nama file mereka untuk menunjukkan status mereka dimodifikasi.

Close Documents

Menu Konteks juga berisi pilihan berikut: "Close", "Tutup Semua," dan "Close lainnya," menawarkan pengguna fleksibilitas dalam menutup dokumen dibuka. Double-klik tombol kiri pada tab atau mengklik tombol tengah mouse dengan cepat akan menutup dokumen dibuka.

Customize Tab Length

Panjang tab dapat diatur otomatis, self-adaptif, atau tetap (panjang default adalah "otomatis"). Otomatis menunjukkan sebanyak nama file mungkin. Self-adaptif menunjukkan nama file tergantung pada ruang yang tersedia pada tab. Dengan panjang tab tetap, semua tab memiliki panjang yang sama.

Link Download
 OfficeTab Enterprise 8.0 incl Crack | 10mb Office Tab – Tabbed Browsing, Editing, and Managing of Documents in Office 2003, 2007 and 2010 D...

Senin, 26 Maret 2012

Coolutils Total PDF Converter 2.1.193 Incl Key

 PDF Converter mengkonversi Jumlah file PDF ke HTML, DOC (Word), teks, Excel, PostScript, CSV atau file gambar (misalnya TIFF). Bila Anda perlu mengkonversi file PDF ke format lain atau PS ke PDF, Total PDF Converter adalah pilihan utama.

Mengapa? Karena, itu cepat, mudah menangani, akurat, tidak memerlukan Adobe Acrobat, mendukung format sasaran banyak dan memiliki pilihan batch (dapat mengkonversi ratusan file PDF serta file tunggal). Selain itu, pengguna terdaftar mendapatkan dukungan baris perintah untuk mengelola utilitas dengan efisiensi maksimum.

Other unique features of Total PDF Converter include:
  • PDF Converter can save Adobe files as images (in JPEG format) and position several of them on one screen. This is especially useful for users of Sony PSP. Have your PDF files displayed on your TV in the way that suits you most. The pages can be displayed vertically, horizontally, even diagonally, with one, two, three or more pages on the screen.
  • Total PDF Converter can also save conversion preferences. This means, for example, that you do not have to re-check “Change each page to a separate file” every time you convert PDF to TIFF.
  •  The tool will also give you the option of tsrating page numbering in the outout file from any numbers (e.g. “6,7,8,9″, not just “1,2,3,4″).
  •  Total PDF Converter also supports DPI and paper size for TIFF. This means that now you can select the quality and size of the output TIFF image. Choose from 75, 150 or 300 DPI or set your own. The page size can be A3, A4, A5, B4, B5 or Letter. As well as this, you can rename .tiff to .tif via the GUI and command line in the \PDF to TIFF conversion process.
  • Total PDF Converter can convert multi-page PDF files to HTML and place each page in a separate HTML file
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 PDF Converter mengkonversi Jumlah file PDF ke HTML, DOC (Word), teks, Excel, PostScript, CSV atau file gambar (misalnya TIFF). Bila Anda pe...

A-PDF Password Security 3.4.3 Incl Serial

A-PDF Password Security 3.4.3 Incl Serial | 2mb

A-PDF Password Security adalah sebuah program utilitas desktop yang memungkinkan Anda mengubah keamanan password yang ada PDF file Acrobat. Itu berarti Anda dapat melindungi file PDF dengan enkripsi 128 bit, atau menghapus proteksi password yang ada. Ia bisa menangani baik dokumen tunggal atau batch. Lain fitur yang mudah digunakan meliputi kolam kata sandi dan direktori panas.

Protect your PDF documents from unauthorized access with standard password security:
- 40-bit RC4 encryption, which is supported by Adobe Acrobat 3.0 or above.
- 128-bit RC4 encryption, which is supported by Adobe Acrobat Reader 5.0 or above.

Decrypt PDF Files
You can also remove the standard password security from protected PDF files. Supports 40/128 bit RC4 and 128 AES encryption.

Change Restrictions of PDF Files
With A-PDF Password Security, you can set a PDF file to require a password to open, and/or restrict access. For example, to allow or not allow printing, copying content, changing the file, etc.

Batch Change Properties of PDF Files
With A-PDF Password Security, you can batch edit and modify your PDFs metadata, such as PDF Title, Subject, Author and Keywords.

Add Expiry Time and Data to PDF Files
With A-PDF Password Security, you can set or remove expiration Time and Date on a PDF.

Password Pool
If you need unsecure a batch of PDF files with one password, you can special a password pool. A-PDF Password Security will try the passwords one by one, instead of input them manually.

Work with Hot Directories
You can set up a monitored directory, where all files written to that directory will be encrypted as they are saved. The original files can also be moved to a backup directory. All of the operations will be recorded in log files.

Size: 2.27 Mb
OS: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
Home Page:
Interface: english

Download A-PDF Password Security 3.4.3 Incl Serial

A-PDF Password Security 3.4.3 Incl Serial | 2mb A-PDF Password Security adalah sebuah program utilitas desktop yang memungkinkan Anda mengub...

Universal Document Converter 5.3.1107.25120 Incl Key

Universal Document Converter 5.3.1107.25120 Incl Key | 32mb

Universal Document Converter mengkonversi ke grafis dokumen Anda dapat mencetak. Ini mungkin Microsoft Word file, PDF, halaman web, grafik atau tabel dan sebagainya on.UDC mendukung berbagai format gambar dan resolusi, berisi pre-built profil meliputi tugas konversi yang paling khas dan fitur program settings.The fleksibel sangat ramah dan sangat mudah digunakan. Jika Anda pernah dicetak dokumen ke printer, Anda harus dapat mulai menggunakan UDC segera.

Key Features:
  • Export into 8 formats. Documents of any type can be exported into Adobe PDF or graphical files in 7 popular formats: TIFF, JPEG, PNG, PCX, DCX, GIF or BMP.
  • Work with multipage documents. Several documents of various types can be united into one multipage file.
  • Universality. The technology of virtual printing makes it possible to convert documents of any type, including multipage reports, technical drawings and commercial posters, into a chosen format.
  • Practicality. The direct export of a document into a graphical file (instead of printing and scanning a paper copy) economizes on expendable materials and time.
  • Ease of use. For exporting documents of any type into Adobe PDF or graphical files all that is required is to print them using the printer named ‘Universal Document Converter’.
  • Advanced algorithm of quantization. Advanced algorithm for image quantization makes it possible to produce the highest quality copies even when converting them into a black and white format.
  •  High resolution. The ability to export documents with a resolution up to 2,400 DPI enables you to save all elements of design of advertising materials and the minutest details of drawings and electronic diagrams.
  • Automatic margin cropping. The function of automatic cropping of empty margins makes it unnecessary to edit graphical copies of tables and diagrams before placing them in presentations or text documents.
  • Economy of system resources. Low consumption of system resources enables you to export documents of practically any size and containing hundreds of pages.
  • Flexibility in configuration. The flexibility in configuring the program makes it possible to choose the optimal ratio between the quality of copies of documents and the size of output files. For example, for publication on a website the smallest possible files are needed. On the other hand, for preparing documents to be sent to the printshop, files are required that are of high resolution and compressed without quality loss.
  • Quick configuration. A profile library (collection of settings with optimal conversions for standard conversion tasks) makes it possible to configure Universal Document Converter with two clicks of the mouse.
  • Remote usage. Compatibility with Microsoft Windows Terminal Services and Citrix makes it possible to use Universal Document Converter from remote computers.
  • Scalability. The possibility to share Universal Document Converter over a network and use it from workstations allows for a significant increase in speed for the conversion of documents.
  • COM-interface. The presence of a COM-interface simplifies the compatibility of document flow systems with Universal Document Converter.

What’s New:-

    Compatibility with 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows systems added
    New version of the graphical interface implemented
    Additional language localizations for the interface in Italian, French and Spanish
    All PDF files created by Universal Document Converter meet the requirements of PDF/A standard
    Added ability to password protect created PDF files
    Added ability to create huge PDF files with sizes up to 10 GB
    Added options to process a document while it is being converted: placing a watermark and changing page size
    Maximum possible resolution for printing increased to 6000 DPI
    New and completely redesigned API for developers
    Possibility of network printing if print-server is in Log-Out mode
    Added ability to completely automate installation of the program.

Link Download
Universal Document Converter 5.3.1107.25120 Incl Key | 32mb Universal Document Converter mengkonversi ke grafis dokumen Anda dapat mencetak....

Win XP Pro Full Dream SP3 Mars 2012

Windows XP Pro Full Dream SP3 Mars 2012 | 693 MB

Gak usah banyak basi-basa deh, buat sobat yang seneng koleksi windows xp nih langsung aja dibungkus, gak usah kuatir diblacklist karena windows ini sudah aktif dan statusnya ORI jadi microsoft juga bakalan senyum kalau sobat mau update windows xp ini.

Copy X B Allarroa in the year 2012
updates to the month of March two thousand and twelve
Windows XP Professional Dream Full SP3 Mars two thousand and twelve
contain version updates and patches the security
version of the original and activated and accept updates from Microsoft with the finest themes, backgrounds, and in three languages, Arabic and English and French and some important programs

added for version
 updates from Microsoft in Mars 2012
 Sata Drivers
 languages ​​Arabic , English and french
 Internet Explorer 8 (For Windows XP SP3)
 Firefox 11
 Media Player Classic Home Cinema
 CCleaner 3.16.1666
 7-Zip 9.20
 WinRAR 4.11

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Windows XP Pro Full Dream SP3 Mars 2012 | 693 MB Gak usah banyak basi-basa deh, buat sobat yang seneng koleksi windows xp nih langsung aja d...

Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

free download FormatFactory 2.90

free download FormatFactory 2.90 | 38mb

free download FormatFactory 2.90, kali ini mediafireku akan berbagi FormatFactory 2.90 full version, silahkan download FormatFactory 2.90 di mediafire di akhir postingan ini tentunya. Lalu apa ajah sih kegunaan dari software yang berikut ini. FormatFactory adalah konverter multiguna dari berbagai file multimedia. Apakah senang mengubah fungsi tambahan FormatFactory alat serbaguna untuk bekerja dengan file multimedia format yang berbeda. Mendukung mengkonversi format video populer ke MP4, 3GP, MPG, AVI, WMV, FLV, SWF, dan mengkonversi format audio MP3, WMA, MMF, AMR, OGG, M4A, WAV. FormatFactory ada fungsi untuk mengkonversi gambar ke dalam format JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, ICO, GIF, PCX, TGA. Fitur tambahan termasuk FormatFactory adalah seperti, sebagai peningkatan dan rotasi gambar, menempatkan mereka tag, serta pemulihan audio rusak dan file video.

Fitur Utama:
- Semua untuk MP4/3GP/MPG/AVI/WMV/FLV/SWF
- Foto dalam format JPG / BMP / PNG / TIF / ICO / GIF / TGA
- Rip DVD ke file video, Rip CD musik untuk file audio.
- MP4 file format untuk iPod / iPhone / PSP / BlackBerry
- Source file RMVB dukungan

Fitur Format Factory:
- Mengkonversi semua video audio, populer dan gambar
- Perbaikan kerusakan video dan file audio
- Mengurangi ukuran file multimedia
- Dukungan untuk format multimedia, iphone, ipod
- Tambahan pengolahan citra Zoom, Rotate, Tanda tangan
- Copy DVD ke format lain
- Dukungan untuk 60 bahasa

Apa yang Baru di Release ini:
1 Update ffdshow, Haali codec ke versi terbaru.
2 Tetap beberapa bug instalasi codec
3 Tetap beberapa bug dari “MUX”
4 Tambahkan menginstal dan menghapus fitur konteks sistem mmenu ke pilihan lanjutan.

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free download FormatFactory 2.90 | 38mb free download FormatFactory 2.90, kali ini mediafireku akan berbagi FormatFactory 2.90 full version,...

Rayman Origins RiP DYCUS-Razor1911

Rayman Origins RiP DYCUS-Razor1911 | 2.2gb

Description: Rayman Origins is a comic adventure set in a lush 2D world brimming with unexpected secrets and outlandish enemies. The Glade of Dreams is overrun by the “nefurrious” Darktoons. The Fairy Council seeks Rayman’s help to save the day. Rayman receives the aid of his best friend Globox as well as two crafty wizards, the Teensies. Together the world’s most hilarious team of heroes sets out to restore peace to the Glade before their beloved home is destroyed. Rayman Origins supports four-player jump-in-and-jump-out co-op gameplay. The game offers a massive universe to explore, with more than 100 characters, 12 unique worlds, and more than 60 levels of platforming gameplay designed for all ages and play styles. Unlock new abilities and moves as you progress through the game. All members of your team will discover new unique abilities, including swimming, diving, slapping, and the sensational “HarilyCopter.

  •  Rebirth of a Platforming Legend: It’s been 15 years since the first launch of Rayman. Rayman Origins brings back many of the classic characters, revived in their original 2D form, as well as a whole new world of characters and environments. Discover the roots of Rayman by collecting pieces of the Glade’s history, and assemble them to reveal the truth behind Rayman’s origins.
  •  4-Player, Jump-In/Jump-Out, Co-op Gameplay: Play as Rayman in the solo campaign, or have up to three friends jump in at any time to play as Globox or as one of the two Teensies. Players can leave at any time without affecting the others’ progression.
  • Unique Approach to 2D Art: A rich world with over 100 characters and 12 unique environments created by some of the VG’s most reputed artists and animators. This creative approach to 2D design will recapture the hearts of platformer fans and introduce a new generation to one of the industry’s best-loved characters in his original 2D form.
 1. Extract RARs
2. Mount or Burn image
3. Install game
4. Copy the whole content from crack dir to your install folder and overwrite
existing files
5. Start the game with admin rights
6. Have fun!

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Rayman Origins RiP DYCUS-Razor1911 | 2.2gb Description: Rayman Origins is a comic adventure set in a lush 2D world brimming with unexpected ...

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2012

Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v.15

Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v.15 | 4.4 Gb

Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v.15 - Make movies like a pro, using proven technology of Hollywood. The new version of the famous video editor from the company Avid, the world leader in professional audio and video technology, Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection V.15 lets you easily edit, as a professional, and offers new intuitive features, the ultra-high performance, as well as huge collection of additional content.

For the first time in the same program integrated easy to use, intuitive interface and great opportunities, previously available only to Hollywood directors. Now you can create masterpieces on the level of professionals!

Using Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v.15 You Can :
  • Quickly import video and photos
  • Drag and drop video, photos, titla, effects and music
  • Automatically create music, respectively, the duration of the scene
  • Edit scenes and make HD-movies, choosing from more than two thousand 2D/3D-effektov, transitions, and other additions, including a package of professional plug-ins from the company Red Giant.
  • Embed images of people over the virtual background using the built-in chroma-key-effect and 5 'x 6' Green Screen
  • Preview the results in real time using the player window or full screen mode
  • Add a complex animated titla
  • Create their own soundtracks with Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround
  • Export your projects to popular formats, burn to DVD or Blu-Ray discs and share them with the world.

Content Collection Includes :

•Professional Red Giant Plug-in Package - Package of professional plug-ins from the company Red Giant. Will improve your product, adding visual effects used in Hollywood blockbusters:
  • Knoll Light Factory: lighting effects and reflections from the master effects guru John Knoll, visual effects supervisor in the film Star Wars, Pirates of the Caribbean, Avatar.
  • ToonIt: Turn video into animation ToonIt: turning video into animation
  • Trapcode Shine: effects of light rays
  • Particular: creating 3D-effects, smoke, explosions, rain, etc.
  • Magic Bullet Looks: change the look and mood of the film
  • Trapcode 3D Stroke: Animation and 3D-effects

• Hollywood FX Volumes 1-3 - Over 1000 unique, professional transitions and effects, including: waves, sports, space, fantasy, festivals, weddings, comics and cartoons, pirates, secret agents, a tropical vacation, historic architecture, and more. Also includes a HFX-in editor for creating custom effects.

• Creative Pack Vol.1 - 32 DVD-menu 91, a template for the assembly, and 28 titla on various topics, including: trees, herbs, flowers, Hawaii, the 50's, the modern, island, retro, and much more .

• Pinnacle Premium Pack Vol.2 - 54 DVD menu templates, 81 titla, and 79 sound effects on various topics, including: infants, children, winter, travel and much more...

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Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v.15 | 4.4 Gb Pinnacle Studio HD Ultimate Collection v.15 - Make movies like a pro, using proven tech...